电动液压打桩机(Photovoltaic (pv) driver) 电动液压打桩机哪里卖 电动液压打桩机多少钱一台 张经理: 有事者,事竟成;破釜沉舟,百二秦关终归楚;苦心人,天不负;卧薪尝胆, 三千越甲可吞吴 主要特点(The main features) 打桩速度快,平均3分钟可实现打桩6米深,即3分钟可打一个孔。 (Pile driving speed, the average 3 minutes can realize piling 6 meters deep, namely a hole three minutes to play.) 用油省,是普通打桩机用油量的一半左右,一年即可为您省下一台打桩机钱。 (Oil province, is a common driver USES around half of a year to save the expense of a driver for you.) 钻头采用锰钢制造,经过特殊加工处理,适用于各种地质环境。 (Bit using manganese steel manufacturing, through special processing, are suitable for all kinds of geological environment.) 履带或轮式行走,行走和爬坡能力强。(Tracked or wheeled walking, walking and climbing ability.) 车架可前后移动,钻头可左右调节,打桩定位准确。(the frame can be moved back and forth around bit can be adjust, piling positioning accuracy.) 额定功率KW(Rated power) 55 额定转速r/min(Rated speed) 2400 启动电压V(Start the voltage) 24 外形尺寸(长*宽*高)mm(boundary dimension 4370*2010*4290 较小离地间隙mm(The minimum clearance from the ground) 380 履带板宽度mm(track shoe width) 260 立杆高度mm(Stud the highest) 4370 钻孔直径mm(drilling diameter) 130--800 较大钻孔深度mm(Maximum drilling depth) 3600 钻杆转速r/min(rod rotation speed) 71 主泵型号(The main pump type) CBG1-F032/032 主泵钻速L/min(Main pump drilling rate) 2000-2400 主泵压力Mpa(Main pump pressure) 20 主阀流量L/min(The main valve flow) 100 液压油箱容积L(Oil Tank Capacity) 200 爬坡度°(Climbing gradient) 35 较大行驶速度KW/h(maximum travelling speed) 5